Monday, May 27, 2019

1st Grade Weather Report!

In our last unit, 1st graders are investigating the weather! They are learning how to read a thermometer in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.  We first investigated temperature in the classroom, then, during next science class, we go outside to take the temperature and write a weather report!

It's hard to see where the red line
stops sometimes.

You have to give the thermometer time
to measure the temperature.

You have to be sure to only hold the sides of
the thermometer.  If you don't, you will be
taking your temperature!

Looking closely at the temperature of cold water.

Now discovering the temperature of warm water.

Writing the weather report from the garden.

Going outside to see what the temperature is.

Reading the thermometer, checking the wind!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

2nd Grade Explores Ramps!

2nd grade has been investigating what happens when objects roll down a ramp.  They first used wheels to make different types of rollers that would roll around the corner, back and forth as well as a wobbly roller.  They then tried to create new "tricks" with their wheels.

These wheels roll straight.

It's hard to make one wheel roll straight. It
wobbles and falls.

A lot of time was spent readjusting
the clothespins to keep the ramp up!

Around the corner!

Sometimes the axel needs to be cut once it
starts to bend.

 The next investigation involved rolling cups.  This was a bit trickier.  The first challenge was rolling the cup off the ramp and "parking" underneath.  For the second one, the cup needed to roll off the ramp and fall upside down. Lastly, they needed to figure out how to roll the cups straight down the ramp.  This involved using masking tape to keep the cups together!

We are ending the unit by manipulating runways for a marble to roll through.

Down the hill, up the hill and back down

Around the corner.

 The ultimate challenge...using more than one runway!

Three runways!

Working together!