Monday, November 16, 2015

Kindergarten Wonders....How do Plants get Water to the Leaves and Flowers?

For the past month, kindergartners have been exploring the various parts of the tree.  Recently we wondered if trees really do bring water all the way up their stem to the top of the tree!  So we tried an experiment.

The Daisies before we started our experiment.

Each class voted on what color of food
coloring they wanted to add to the water.

Green water!

Blue was a popular color!

"The middle is the pollen."

We made some predictions about what the flowers would look like a week later. "Maybe they would be die because the water isn't normal." "The leaves and pedals might be blue." "The plant will grow roots." "The flower will be very brown and sick because it's been a week."

There is brown in the center of the flower.

"We were right! The petals turned blue!"

It doesn't smell that good.
The stem is blue too.
And now to record our observations.