Wednesday, January 11, 2017

2nd Graders Explore Sand!

Sand.  We walk on it, build with it, but where does sand come from?  2nd graders have learned that boulders break into cobbles, which can roll into a river and break into pebbles and gravel then into grains of sand.  We looked at sand and wrote how it felt, looked and sounded.  Most classes decided that the sand sounded like maracas. 

It feels rough and bumpy.
I can draw in the sand. It looks dirty.

Making a paper plate taco to put the sand back in the vial.

Water was put in the vial, a cap was secured on top and everyone started to shake, shake, shake the sand and water!

It looks like coffee.
It also looks like chocolate milk.

The classes made a prediction about what the vial of sand and water would look like the next time they had science.  Many of the students thought that the water would be darker or would evaporate.  Some students thought the sand would get smaller or larger.  Two students thought the water would be clear.
Look at the water!  And what is that layer on top of the sand?
The next step was tricky!  The students had to gently pour the water out of the vial without disturbing the layer of silt on top of the sand.  Then they tried to feel the smallest grain of rock that we have looked at so far...silt!

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