Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Investigating the Smallest Size Rock: Clay

2nd graders are investigating the properties of the smallest size rock...clay.  It's so small, you can't isolate one grain on its own! We made observations about how the clay looked, felt and smelled.  

The clay looks gray and feels smooth.

It's hard to roll the clay into a ball after using it.

It smells earthy.

I can see the clay on my hands.

It smells stinky!

The clay dries out after using it!

Next we rolled the clay into two balls.  The larger sized ball of clay was put in a cup while the smaller sized ball of clay was put in a vial that was filled with water.  Most of the classes noticed that when the vial was shaken, the clay started to break apart and dissolve.

Shaking as hard as possible to see if the clay would totally dissolve.
(It didn't!)

The more you shake the darker the water

It looks like milk.

Look at the cracks.

Is the clay dissolved yet?

The last thing we did is to make two predictions about what the clay in the cup and the clay in the vial will look like the next science class.  Most people thought the clay in the cup would become hard.  There were various predictions about the clay in the vial, some felt it would be completely gone, others thought that it would absorb all the water.

Next science class.....we were both surprised and "knew it"!

Making observations about the clay in the cup (it's hard) and the
clay in the vial (the water is clear and clay flattened out).
The water in the vial is clear again!

It was easy to get the hard dry clay soft again,
just add water! And does it ever feel good!

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