Sunday, February 10, 2019

1st Graders Build Towers

First graders as engineers! They are exploring how to use 12 different solids with varying properties to make a stable tower and, much to their surprise, no tape or glue was to be used! 

A rubber band can help keep solids together.

Balancing on top of the tower.

A stable base makes for a stable tower.

After building the tower, it's time to draw it.

So many solids!

Measuring how tall the tower is.

The whole table decided to work together to
create a huge tower!

Sometimes, the tower falls.  So, we just start over and make
a more stable base.

Higher and higher the tower goes!


My tower is as tall as the ruler!

The tower was so tall a tape measurer was needed!

Reading the ruler and checking the height.

Adding more height.

Working together.


Sometimes how tall a tower is, isn't all that

Striving for symmetry!

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