Today the duckling went visiting around our school! First it went to room 205 to meet some relatives! Miss Amelia's class has three ducklings (one is still in the incubator)! We had some fun duck time!
Later in the day we went to meet the kids in Mrs. Simm's class. The duckling really likes nibbling on shoe laces! And boy can it (we don't know if it's a girl or a boy - not until it gets older) run fast!!
Next we went to visit Mrs Hatheway's class since they were next door! More shoelaces to nibble on!
We decided to go through the gym to get back to the brooder and what should we see? Three kindergarten classes!! The little duck had so much fun running and sliding around the gym!
Then some people came to visit the duckling! By the way, Pre-K is voting on a name for the duckling tomorrow!
Ms G stopped by! |
Ms Dello Stritto came by too! |