Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Kindergarten Sinks Wood!

Kindergarteners already know a lot about wood!  They know what wood looks, feels like and that it changes color when it gets wet.  They also know that wood floats.  Our newest challenge to make the wood sink!

Our supplies are a bin of water, two wood samples, paper clips and rubber bands.  How can we use those items to make the wood samples sink to the bottom of the bin?

We came up with the idea to put the rubber band on the wood and put the paper clips under the rubber band!
My wood is still floating!

Some of the paper clips are all connected.

For the wood to sink, it has to be on the bottom!

Adding more paper clips.

I think this might sink!

Yes!  It is sinking!

I need more paper clips!

We did it!

Look at all the paper clips.  I think it's going to sink!

We need more paper clips! 

Attached paper clips can be so hard to get undone!

The paper clips fell off!

A technique that seemed to work was putting paper clips
on all four sides of the wood.
In the end, most of the classes were able to sink their wood samples.  As a challenge, students tried to figure out if both wood samples needed the same number of paper clips to make it sink.  The results were mixed, but many agreed that the pine wood needed more paper clips than the plywood.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Pre-K Explores Seeds!

Pre-K was curious about seeds.  Children will find something outside on their way to school and wonder what it is.  Many times it's a seed - usually from a honey locust or sycamore tree!  So we decided to investigate!

The seeds are all different colors.

The small seeds go through the screen.

I can push the seeds through.

So many seeds.

Wow!  Look how big they are!

All the different seeds we looked at.  Most of them are beans.
Everyone chose one type of seed that they wanted to plant! We all know that seeds need soil, water and sun (or in our case a grow light) to start growing!

After planting we need to water!

The stick has our name on it so we know which plant is ours!
How long will it take to grow?

Depending on the seed size, we plant about 3 or 4 seeds.

Now we wait!

A week later....look at how much our plants grew!!

Every day we need to water our plants!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

2nd Grade Investigates Sand

2nd grade looked closely at a vial half-filled with sand.  They described how the sand looks, how it feels  and how it sounds.
It feels soft.

When we shake it, it sounds like rain.

It feels bumpy.

It looks dusty and small.

It's gray with bits of black.

It sounds like a maraca.

Next we added water to the top of the vial and described what happened.  Both the water and the sand got darker.

There were bubbles and smoke when you put the water in.
And now the fun part...shaking the vial with sand and water!

If you turn it upside down, the sand falls!

Look at the water! It looks like coffee!
The water looks like the Gowanus!

The students were asked to make a prediction as to what the sand and the water would look like their next science class.  Many thought the mixture would look the same, that the water would evaporate, or the sand and water would stay mixed.
Surprise!The water is clearer a week later and there is a layer of
silt sitting on top of the sand.  Silt is smaller in size than sand.

Carefully pouring out the water to see if we can touch
the silt.

It's not easy to feel the silt.

It's fun to touch!