2nd grade has started their new unit, Balance and Motion. They started by thinking about balancing on one foot. Is it easier to balance with ones hands by their side or stretched out? Is it easier to balance on one foot with their eyes open or closed?
No general consensus on what was the easiest way to balance on one foot. |
Next we balanced a cup on top of our head while walking around the classroom. Was it easier to balance the cup when it was right side up or upside down?
Most people felt it was easier to balance the cup right side up! |
Now to find the balancing point on a crayfish with your finger. No, not a real crayfish, a paper crayfish.
It can be tricky to find the balancing point, but when you do.. it's so awesome! |
Everyone has their own technique. |
Confidence! |
Next we investigated whether using clothespins as counterweight, would help us to balance the crayfish in other ways.
"If you put the clothespins even, it will balance." |
Once you get the hang of it, balancing is fun! |
I balanced it on the nose! |
Walking and balancing. |
Trying to figure out how to balance the crayfish on the side. |
Crayfish everywhere! |
2nd graders agreed when using the clothespins as counterbalance, you could balance the crayfish in so many different ways.