Sunday, December 20, 2015

1st Grade looks at "Critters" and Compares them to Mealworms!

We are nearing the end of our insect unit and have become quite good at observing and identifying insects!  We looked at harvester ants, stick insects, snails, pill bugs and hissing cockroaches.  We then thought, how are they the same as our mealworms and how are they different.

The dead ones are all buried in a pile.

This one is missing its front leg.

They have exoskeletons like the mealworms.

It's hard to find out what is the same with snails and mealworms!

The ants have 6 legs and so does my mealworm!

Can we hold them?  Please!?

We discovered that the walking sticks had babies!

The hissing cockroach likes to hide!  I can see the baby too!


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