Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Balancing with 2nd Grade!

2nd grade has been investigating how to make an object stable while balancing it.  They first found the balancing point of the crayfish - closer towards the nose of the crayfish than the tail. Then they tried to determine if using clothespins let you balance the crayfish in more ways.  They wondered if they counterweight was helpful and if so, why and how did it help?

Always fun to get the crayfish to balance on
it's nose!

Can you walk and balance at the same time?

Balancing while writing!

It makes a difference how high up the clothespins are
on the object.

Finding new ways to balance the crayfish is fun!

If the clothespin weight is too high, the crayfish
won't balance.

Balancing on your finger is fun.

Is this balanced or leaning?

It is so hard to get the crayfish to balance
on it's side!

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